Sunday, April 8, 2012

Vin's Blessing Day-- 9/28/12

When Vin was four months old (we like to take our time over here) Vin received his baby blessing. It was given by a man with long(ish) hair and a handle bar mustache, also known as his dad. We did it on a Wednesday night at the Howard's house, surrounded by a small group of friends. It was a beautiful blessing and we wish our families could have been there to join in.

(What!?? Vin is suppose to wear white and not be old enough to hold up his own head! Guess I missed those memos.)
These are the men that made up the circle during the blessing. Starting at the left--Nate Howard (he and Jonathan were friends growing up), Brad Hinton (he and Jonathan also grew up together), Suliasi Lautaha (Member of the bishopric), The men of the hour, Ryan Hitz (Friend from the ward), and Taylor Burnham (married to Jonathan's step-sister, he is attending BYUH too). There are not many things better then a circle of worthy, priesthood holding men. Always gives me the chills, I love to see the priesthood at work.
(The handsome boy showing off his smile)
Vin was pretty nervous he wasn't going to be able to hold in his emotions during the blessing, he did pretty good though. So good in fact that it made me happy (see smile above), and surprised him (see wide eyes above).
(Hanging out with his friend Autumn Hinton)

And of course a couple of family photos to commemorate the day. I thought that three, semi-identical, pictures was the appropriate amount to share. Your welcome. If you want more however, let me know and I will accommodate.

P.S. The long hair and mustache have long since disappeared. Don't cry, I already did enough of that for everyone! Of course, my tears were tears of JOY!! So if it is sad tears you want...cry your own.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hi, it's me Vin

Well I decided since my mom wasn't keeping up on the blog and letting everyone know what I have been up to (because let's face it I am the only one you guys care about) I would step up to the plate and let you know.

So back in July (forever I know but it must be documented) I got to go to Arizona with my Mom to see my Uncle Jason get married to this cute Stacy girl. I even got a new cousin Camden who kept singing me twinkle twinkle little star, I really like him. I also got to meet most of my Aunts, Uncles, cousins and a few new friends on the trip. OH and did I mention that I did AWESOME on the plane ride!! Mom was so proud. So glad my rad dad bought the ticket and let me and mom go. Here are some pictures of the trip.
(The newly weds, my head petting (new) cousin, and naked me)
(two of my Crockett cousins, Me, Cooper, Jett) (My Great Grandpa DeWitt)
(taking my first dip in a pool, the ocean was old news) (My moms friends and their kids)

After we got back from Arizona my Grandma Margo and Papa Russ came to visit. We went on one of our first hikes together, hung out on the beach, went to Pearl Harbor and, I took my first SINK bath (I usually shower) . Grandma always knew just how to calm me down too. I miss having them around.
(hiking Sacred Falls, a family favorite)
(Pearl Harbor)
(My first and last sink bath but I sure did love it)
(Hanging out on the beach with Grandma)

Then in September we headed to the Big Island thanks to these two---
(Grandma Gwen and Grandpa Jim, (this is when we met in the hospital))
(A look out on the Big Island and my dad and I at the volcano)
(This is when Mom and Dad left me behind for 6 HOURS and did the zip-line! I was not happy with them.)
(Me looking very GQ, I'm not sure what those things on my feet are though)
(Getting love from the parents on our hotel balcony)

It was a good trip but our island is way better!!

These next pictures were taken when I was 3 1/2 weeks old! I just thought they were pretty awesome of me so I wanted to share them. Don't be jealous of my awesome bod!

That is the end for now. My mom said she was going to try hard to catch up in the next little while.....we'll see about that. I might have to take over permanently.