Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Thankful Post

Oh boy do I have so many things to be thankful for!!! However I am just going to share a few. -In no particular order of course-

I'm thankful for this guy (and his inventive facial hair, ladies you know you are jealous!)

And when on my Birthday he made me this french toast for breakfast. Awesome.

I am thankful we get to live so close to this place... Love, Love, Love it!

And that we are able to attend this school.
(well most days depending on the homework)

I am EXTREMELY thankful for our family!!
(not pictured Derek and a few new little ones)

And Hers
(not pictured Elder Kevin DeWitt)
I am very thankful for this little pocket book of inspiration and guidance

I am thankful for this person and this place that was just rededicated on Sunday!
(We haven't been for almost a year!)

I am absolutely thankful for Great friends! LOVE these girls!
(many good friends not pictured)

I am Extra thankful for the day I took two of these thingies---

And then went to the doctor a couple of weeks later and got one of these taken--
(Jonathan swears he can see male parts already, wishful thinking)
I am 13 1/2 weeks along and we couldn't be more happy about it!!
(not pregnant in picture below)


  1. WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!! Im so happy for you guys! Such fun exciting news. You guys are the best!

  2. I leave my computer off for a few days and miss the biggest news we've had in a long time!!! We couldn't be more excited for you! And props on keeping it a secret so long.

  3. I check my kids blogs almost daily, but they each have a tendency, as I do, to not post every day and so I lapse in checking on the most important blog of the year!! And then to get a call while I am out shopping on Black Friday asking me if I knew the news? I nearly crashed on the freeway! And the funny thing is, we talked to Jill two times on Wednesday and then on Thursday - any mention of it then? No.
    Okay, did I make you feel bad Jill? Sorry. I love you two tons and can't wait to get over there! Come home soon. I'll see you in June!

  4. WOWZA!!! Congratulations, Jill and Jonathan!!!! We are sooo happy for you guys! :)

  5. YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! You'll be back here, permanently, when the baby comes, right? RIGHT!?!? Don't even THINK about keeping that baby away from me. ESPECIALLY if it's a girl! Ooo, the wrath.

  6. yay so excited for you!! can't wait to see ya!!
