Saturday, March 27, 2010

Happy Prince Kuhio Day (yesterday)

Yesterday was Prince Kuhio Day. I love Prince Kuhio. He was born a royal man but after Hawaii was overthrown he became a politician in the Territory of Hawaii as delegate to the United States Congress, and as such is the first native Hawaiian and only person ever elected to that body who was born a royal. (Wikipedia)
This is not why I love the Prince however. Although what he did for his generation was great, what he did for the generations that followed was even greater. He gave us a state holiday and with that holiday he gave us a day off of work and school. Which meant JMC had no school yesterday! WooHoo! What did we do to celebrate you ask?? First off we slept in. Then we spent sometime just cuddling in bed. After that I had to go workout (not my favorite part of the day). Eventually we made it to the beach to spend sometime with some good friends surfing, playing catch, and just soaking in the sun (when it wasn't hiding behind the clouds). It was a good time. After that we had to head off to dinner. JMC some how got us invited to dinner by a 50 year old lady who works in the honor code office. Even better is he got this invite while getting an extension on his beard card. And best yet she gave it to him without making him go see a doctor first. That is my husband for you.
Dinner ended up being very enjoyable even though we were both dreading it. We ate with about eight other students and there was a spot saved for Jesus at the table. (no joke) The food was amazing, the company was entertaining, and the soft love music playing in the back ground made the atmosphere perfect.
We came home with full bellies at 8:00pm and both crashed into a food coma fully clothed. (which is why this post was not written yesterday)
Thanks Prince Kuhio.

(JMC waking up Fully clothed)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Our First Visitors

Finally visitors!! After two and a half lonely months here we had some visitors, and it was awesome. JMC's sister Jennifer her husband Derek, and their four kids (Carter, Bailey, Hayden, & Mason) came to see us. All eight of us got real cozy in our little studio and as Derek would say "it's like one big sleepover!" It was fun, crazy and I would do it all over again in a heart beat. We had a great time hanging out at the
, going to the Polynesian Cultural Center (PCC), and Eating Shaved Ice.

With many more Hawaiian adventures (hiking, surfing, eating at Shrimp Shack, etc.) that I didn't get pictures of. I did however get a video of our house during this week now referred to as "The Big Sleepover". Oh and just excuse the commentary, I was tired. I think. Enjoy.

Ummm. . . . .it is kind of long and boring so feel free to skim through it. Thank you.

Thanks again DeTemples for the great time and for treating us to dinner almost every night!! Come again soon. We have an air materess. . . . . . . possibly a surf board you can use!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


My life in the last 3 months has changed more then any other time in my life. Even more then when I went through puberty. Even more then when I found out my high school love wasn't taking me to Winter Formal. (I was devastated. Don't judge. I thought my life was over okay) These last three months tops them all though. At times it has been as painful as those other experiences (planning a wedding stinks) but for the most part it has been changes I have embraced and love. One of those being my new husband-JMC. He is smart, handsome, opinionated, a great kisser, stubborn, OCD, dedicated, adventurous, and I love him.

(JMC looking very hotish)

We got married on December 31st (happy new year) and then we were off to a honeymoon and then straight to Hawaii to live for schooling at BYUH. This has been the longest I have EVER been away from my family. I miss them. Can't wait till they come visit!! Right??

Anyway change is a good thing so far and can't wait to see what else comes my way. . . . . . .