Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Thankful Post

Oh boy do I have so many things to be thankful for!!! However I am just going to share a few. -In no particular order of course-

I'm thankful for this guy (and his inventive facial hair, ladies you know you are jealous!)

And when on my Birthday he made me this french toast for breakfast. Awesome.

I am thankful we get to live so close to this place... Love, Love, Love it!

And that we are able to attend this school.
(well most days depending on the homework)

I am EXTREMELY thankful for our family!!
(not pictured Derek and a few new little ones)

And Hers
(not pictured Elder Kevin DeWitt)
I am very thankful for this little pocket book of inspiration and guidance

I am thankful for this person and this place that was just rededicated on Sunday!
(We haven't been for almost a year!)

I am absolutely thankful for Great friends! LOVE these girls!
(many good friends not pictured)

I am Extra thankful for the day I took two of these thingies---

And then went to the doctor a couple of weeks later and got one of these taken--
(Jonathan swears he can see male parts already, wishful thinking)
I am 13 1/2 weeks along and we couldn't be more happy about it!!
(not pregnant in picture below)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Top Ten. . . . . .

Top ten reasons I miss being home for conference:

1. SCONES!!!

2. Mom staying in her miss matched PJ's all day.

3. Dad sleeping and then waking up during intermediate hymn to sing loud and proud.

4. Indian Fry Bread for lunch or SCONES again.

5. The games usually an indoor ball game after the last session.

6. Nephews and niece running around.

7. Puzzel doing during talks.

8. Everyone changing rooms trying to find the quietest room/the one Shan and Allan aren't in.

9. Dad and Mom waking us up when the prophet is speaking.

10. The smell of SCONES that remains in the house for the rest of the day.

What happened to my Blog??! My heading and color disappeared.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Jason This Ones For You (even though you don't read my blog)

So a week ago we were at the beach and I lost my hair tie which is always a travesty because I have awful beach hair. However thanks to my trusty goggles and clear water I found it. . . . at the very bottom. So in the desperation to feel some what presentable at the beach I dove down to get it and it happened, like I knew it would, my ears rung out in pain. I snatched it and then swam to the top. I thought that the quick but intense pain in my ears was all I would have to pay for my vanity but no I had water in my right ear for days that did not want to come out no matter what I did. I went crazy!! So I repented of my vain ways and eventually my ear returned to normal. . . at least so I thought.

Then yesterday (Saturday) we went out snorkeling with some friends and when I got out of the water my ear was CLOGGED! No water swishing around it was just clogged. So I tugged and pull and hit it the rest of the day and all through church today receiving no relief. So what do you do when you don't know how to fix it.......? You pour peroxide in it of course. JMC dumped it in and it tingled and bubbled and then I dumped out. Then I cleaned with a q-tip and

Totally Gross!! I think it was some kind of sea plant if that makes it less gross for you though.
But guess what? I hear better then I have in weeks!

p.s. I do clean my ears regularly by the way.

p.p.s The pictures were mainly for Jason I figured he'd appreciate them. So you can thank him.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lots of Love

Dear Beautiful Heart Loving Mother of mine,
My nails were painted by my little friend Lily
Who you can tell by the picture below did a really good job, because it chipped off in a perfect heart shape! So I had to snag this Kodak moment for you.
I thought about saving this next one for another blog post/letter but I was too excited to share it. We were eating dinner at some friends and as I looked across the table I saw it, grabbed JMC's phone, and took the picture right before the down pour, TAADAA!!
Wish I could have gotten it more zoomed in(I was working with a phone) but I do love that it is the only yellow among all the green leafs. Sweet!
Love, Jill

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Say What!?!?

So JMC checks the mail yesterday and brings it in the car with usas we drive to the beach. He opens while I drive. First letter he opens is a 5x7 manila envelope which contained a certificate looking paper. He reads to me "Jonathan Crockett - Congratulations for achiving the distinction of being named to the University Dean List for: Spring Term 2010" To which I state "Oh wow Jonathan (not that I was surprised) I am so proud of you! Good job!" He says "I think it is dumb I don't know why they even send these out." Oh right. Then he proceeds to open a second 5x7 manila envolope and reads "Jillian DeWitt - Congratulations for achiving the distinction of being named to the University Dean List for: Spring Term 2010" WHAT!!? I was so excited! I mean I have never made any kind of list for my grades before! Awesome. I don't care if it is dumb or not, I was SO proud of us both.

And here is proof for all you nonbelievers out there
Now for a close up
Thank you Dean!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Boys Will Be Boys

So I come home from work the other day and there on the curb with his shirt off (looking mighty hotish) was JMC. I get out of the car and as I get closer I see this:

It was very red and swollen. The arm was pretty bad but you can't really tell.

My reaction- "Oh my goodness! What happened?"
JMC- I got stung by a jellyfish.
Me- Are you serious!!? Are you okay? Does it hurt?? Do you need me to do anything??
JMC- Well it stings and I am having difficulty breathing, other then that I am okay. Nate and I did it to ourselves on purpose.
Me- Are you kidding me?!. . . . . . you are an idiot. (excuse my language but he deserved it)

Come to find out they put about four on themselves just "to see how it felt." Wouldn't you just try one to "try out"? Nope four.
Later in the shower- "I just peed on myself." . . . . cool.

A little later that night "It doesn't even hurt that bad. It only stings for a little while so when your family comes I am going to throw jellyfish at all of them!! It is going to be awesome!"

Family you have been warned. Come armed with your jellyfish replant.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Check Please. . .

So there was this one time in Flagstaff at a resturant called LaFonda's (this is how it sounds not how it is spelled) I decided it would be fun to play the game of "I Dare You to Eat This". It happened just as everyone was finishing up their food and stating how full they were. That is when I took a little of this and a little of that from the leftovers around the table and mixed it together then turned to Katie (I think) and said "I dare you to eat this". A game was born. Everyone took their turn and as for me being the instigator ended up going last when everyones creative juices were flowing. Pay back was sweet for all involved I am sure. So from that time on there has rarely been a dinner out with the family (ok for sure if Carolyn is there) that this game does not get played. This is exactly what happened on our girl lunch out with Grandma (thanks Grandma!!) and cousins. Only this time Carolyn was the instigator..........

The 1st dare-"Eat All That whip cream!" mouth full of cream gag! Good one sister but. . . .

I had some thing better up my sleeve. I mean come on I am a pro at this game you know.

Dare #2-"Eat the lemon. All of it. Peel included." BWAHAHA! (my evil laugh)
Even Celynda Couldn't handle it!!
Game set match! Maybe next time Carolyn, maybe next time.
Although I am secretly proud of you for eating it and feel a little guilty for saying I won. . . . but I really did win.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Heart For You

This rip in our curtain is the first thing I noticed when we moved in to our new place. I stopped in mid-unpacking to take a picture. Mom this is for you. It is the first heart I have ever found you and I have always felt ashamed that I haven't been a better daughter in this area. Please forgive me. I love you and miss you lots!

Friday, April 2, 2010

More Water Please

Bright and early yesterday morning JMC, our friend Nate and I drove to Honolulu for a medical screening. We were being "screened" to see if we could participate in the testing of a drug for $3000! Shoot, I would do just about anything for that much! Except prostitution of course. (Oh and Dad the drug is FDA approved don't worry)

The testing started at 7:30 and I had to be to work at 10:30, plenty of time right?? Well little did I know this was no walk through the park!! However, all was going pretty smoothly until. . . . . dun dun dun The Urine Sample. I was handed a cup with a lid, a cleansing wipe and then instructed to clean my pee hole(excuse the crude words) with the wipe and then fill the cup at least half full (JMC filled his to the top and was pretty proud of himself for it) and oh by the way she said don't flush the toilet. So in I went. Cleaned. Peed. Flushed. Oops. I walk out with my head hung down as I confess my sin to the pee collector. She said "you will have to give us another one. Here is some water.” JMC shakes his head at me as I start to chug the water.

Fifteen minutes later I am ready for another go. I am handed a cup and a cleansing wipe with no instructions except “don’t flush!” I knew the game plan. I cleaned. I peed. I flushed. Oops. Right as the water started to flow I ran to the door and said “I flushed again!!” The pee collector came running in and watched the murky yellow water go down the toilet. She turned to me and again said “we will need another sample.” Are you kidding me!! I mean she saw it go down right?? Where did they think I was getting the yellow substance from anyway! I emptied my pockets before going in so unless my name is David Blaine (which it is not) I don’t know where else I would have gotten it! So I sat down and started drinking, with JMC and Nate laughing and shaking their heads.

Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug. I was ready for round three and I was nervous. They even suggested having JMC come in with me to remind me not to flush. How humiliating, I can only imagine “don’t do it honey, don’t you dare flush that toilet. Oh good job honey, you did it.” Thank goodness they remembered that only one person could be in there at a time. So in I went alone, with cup, cleansing wipe and a note that said “DO NOT FLUSH!!” which I lovingly placed on top of the toilet. I cleaned, I peed and I bravely walked away from the toilet without flushing!! I was proud and I walked out (with a FULL cup, bet that JMC I did it three times!) letting a little woohoo escape my lips.
Then after the drug results were back I was on to the blood test (yikes I hate needles). I sat down ready to be poked and sucked of blood. The blood taker guy tap, tap, tapped on one arm and then the other and then again on the other one. He looks at me and says “your veins are too small we are going to exclude you form the study.” Excuse me?? After all that water I just drank you are telling me my veins are too small?? Sure enough.

So after three and a half hours of testing which, made me late to work and, giving myself water intoxication I failed because my veins were too small.

After only an hour at work I had already gone to the bathroom three times. Each time I went I questioned if I should flush or not.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Happy Prince Kuhio Day (yesterday)

Yesterday was Prince Kuhio Day. I love Prince Kuhio. He was born a royal man but after Hawaii was overthrown he became a politician in the Territory of Hawaii as delegate to the United States Congress, and as such is the first native Hawaiian and only person ever elected to that body who was born a royal. (Wikipedia)
This is not why I love the Prince however. Although what he did for his generation was great, what he did for the generations that followed was even greater. He gave us a state holiday and with that holiday he gave us a day off of work and school. Which meant JMC had no school yesterday! WooHoo! What did we do to celebrate you ask?? First off we slept in. Then we spent sometime just cuddling in bed. After that I had to go workout (not my favorite part of the day). Eventually we made it to the beach to spend sometime with some good friends surfing, playing catch, and just soaking in the sun (when it wasn't hiding behind the clouds). It was a good time. After that we had to head off to dinner. JMC some how got us invited to dinner by a 50 year old lady who works in the honor code office. Even better is he got this invite while getting an extension on his beard card. And best yet she gave it to him without making him go see a doctor first. That is my husband for you.
Dinner ended up being very enjoyable even though we were both dreading it. We ate with about eight other students and there was a spot saved for Jesus at the table. (no joke) The food was amazing, the company was entertaining, and the soft love music playing in the back ground made the atmosphere perfect.
We came home with full bellies at 8:00pm and both crashed into a food coma fully clothed. (which is why this post was not written yesterday)
Thanks Prince Kuhio.

(JMC waking up Fully clothed)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Our First Visitors

Finally visitors!! After two and a half lonely months here we had some visitors, and it was awesome. JMC's sister Jennifer her husband Derek, and their four kids (Carter, Bailey, Hayden, & Mason) came to see us. All eight of us got real cozy in our little studio and as Derek would say "it's like one big sleepover!" It was fun, crazy and I would do it all over again in a heart beat. We had a great time hanging out at the
, going to the Polynesian Cultural Center (PCC), and Eating Shaved Ice.

With many more Hawaiian adventures (hiking, surfing, eating at Shrimp Shack, etc.) that I didn't get pictures of. I did however get a video of our house during this week now referred to as "The Big Sleepover". Oh and just excuse the commentary, I was tired. I think. Enjoy.

Ummm. . . . .it is kind of long and boring so feel free to skim through it. Thank you.

Thanks again DeTemples for the great time and for treating us to dinner almost every night!! Come again soon. We have an air materess. . . . . . . possibly a surf board you can use!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


My life in the last 3 months has changed more then any other time in my life. Even more then when I went through puberty. Even more then when I found out my high school love wasn't taking me to Winter Formal. (I was devastated. Don't judge. I thought my life was over okay) These last three months tops them all though. At times it has been as painful as those other experiences (planning a wedding stinks) but for the most part it has been changes I have embraced and love. One of those being my new husband-JMC. He is smart, handsome, opinionated, a great kisser, stubborn, OCD, dedicated, adventurous, and I love him.

(JMC looking very hotish)

We got married on December 31st (happy new year) and then we were off to a honeymoon and then straight to Hawaii to live for schooling at BYUH. This has been the longest I have EVER been away from my family. I miss them. Can't wait till they come visit!! Right??

Anyway change is a good thing so far and can't wait to see what else comes my way. . . . . . .