Saturday, July 31, 2010

Say What!?!?

So JMC checks the mail yesterday and brings it in the car with usas we drive to the beach. He opens while I drive. First letter he opens is a 5x7 manila envelope which contained a certificate looking paper. He reads to me "Jonathan Crockett - Congratulations for achiving the distinction of being named to the University Dean List for: Spring Term 2010" To which I state "Oh wow Jonathan (not that I was surprised) I am so proud of you! Good job!" He says "I think it is dumb I don't know why they even send these out." Oh right. Then he proceeds to open a second 5x7 manila envolope and reads "Jillian DeWitt - Congratulations for achiving the distinction of being named to the University Dean List for: Spring Term 2010" WHAT!!? I was so excited! I mean I have never made any kind of list for my grades before! Awesome. I don't care if it is dumb or not, I was SO proud of us both.

And here is proof for all you nonbelievers out there
Now for a close up
Thank you Dean!!


  1. I guess without all the crazy DeWitts arounds to distract you the possibilities are endless.

    Hey, Celynda typed the first paragraph and forgot to send it out, so i thought i'd like to add that i think they sell those on ebay or something.

  2. Jill you take the proudness you have and hold it for a long time. It is an awesome job to do well in school classes. Except for maybe hula dancing and surfing. Although by my own experience, surfing is hard to do. Anyway, I'm proud of you and Jonathan. You both deserve a yummy yogurt treat or something! Love and miss you two!

  3. Oh, and by the way, thanks for the new blog!! I check every day for new stories!
